Festival Of

Texas Fiddling


First Weekend of December
Blanco, Texas


Texas music is Fiddle music


The Festival of Texas Fiddling presents the best and most diverse array of Texas fiddle music anywhere, including Western Swing, Old Time, Country, Texas Contest Style, Texas-Mexican (Tejano), Creole, Texas-Polish, Cajun, and Son Huasteco. Always the first weekend of December at historic and beautiful Twin Sisters Dance Hall in Blanco, the FTF features three days of showcases, workshops, all day dancing, fiddle and bajo sexto contests, dance & instrument workshops, jamming, vendors, food, and ice cold beer!

The Festival of Texas Fiddling is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in San Antonio.



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 Past Festivals

FTF 2019 by Hector Garza (65).jpg